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Festive not Frazzled

Posted on December 3, 2018 at 5:55 PM Comments comments (179262)

It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Christmas is upon us and at this time of year, we can feel a mix of joy, anxiety and maybe even dread as the hustle and bustle approaches. Are you feeling the pressure? If you are beginning to feel stress about your last minute present-buying, here are a few tips to help you feel festive, rather than frazzled.

Breathe. As soon as the tension starts mounting, try to stop whatever you are doing and breathe in through your nose. Let your belly expand just like a balloon and when you exhale, let that balloon deflate. Sit for a moment and just listen to the sound of your breath. It is the most healing sound there is. You may be amazed at the difference this pause and focus can make.

Practice Gratitude. The moment you notice a negative thought come to mind, you can change it by thinking about something you are grateful for. Take this a step further by reserving a minute to write that blessing down. Gratitude is a stress buster.

Shop Local. Forget about internet shopping; there’s nothing festive about that! Instead, come on down to Setting the Space in the Pinehills and I will be glad to help you finish your shopping. I’d love to gift wrap your goodies, too. Step into the store and explore. You are sure to find a unique gift for everyone on your list and find lots of inspiration to help get you in the Christmas spirit.

Focus on Giving. This is what the season is all about: in the giving, we actually receive the greatest gifts of all. When you find just the right gift for someone special, it tickles your soul and delights your heart. It is that spirit that makes the holiday season so magical. Without that spirit, the holiday season can be hectic and chaotic.

Following these steps are a choice you must make, but if you do, you will reap the benefits of a calm and positive Christmas season. I hope you choose to enjoy each and every precious moment of the most festive time of the year.

Festive and frazzled certainly don’t have to be synonymous. By centering yourself and focusing on what truly matters - gratitude and giving to others - you will find what truly matters in this season. I wish you all a very happy and festive Christmas!


What's Your Signature Style?

Posted on June 13, 2018 at 11:20 PM Comments comments (103867)

Do you see June busting out all over? It is just like that old Rogers & Hammerstein’s song from the musical Carousel. I may be dating myself, but every June I think of that song. The month of June always makes me feel like I am bursting with joy. I thank God everyday. I love the warm weather, not having to wear a coat, going for ice cream cones with my grandchildren, walking on the beach, watching sunsets, riding my bike. My list can go on and on. Every year I promise myself that this will be my best summer ever, but every year the summers go by faster and faster.

Please, don’t waste a single moment this summer. Enjoy yourself and really get to know you. Summer is the perfect time to get to know yourself better and love yourself more. Discover your personal style. Developing your signature style takes a little strategy. Play up your strengths. Your style is defined by you and only you. Next time you look in a magazine and see a picture of someone who has it all together and you think you want to look like that....STOP!

Don’t copy anyone. Let your signature style reflect who you are, not anyone else.

Next time you go shopping, don’t buy anything unless you absolutely love it. Don’t try to convince yourself. Whenever you feel the need to talk yourself into buying something, that is usually a sign that you shouldn’t buy it. If you are having doubt in the dressing room, take a picture of yourself. This is even more accurate than looking in a mirror. Your clothes should show what is beautiful about you.

Before you go shopping, take a good look in your closet. Do you have an excess of a certain item? Do you purchase the same thing over and over again? That is your sweet spot. Embrace it.

What is your signature item? Audrey Hepburn had her ballet flats, Jackie O. had her oversized sunglasses. All summer long you will see me in sparkle baseball caps. I like red lipstick and red nail polish too. Think about it. What is going to be your signature item this summer? Remember, repetition is reputation.

You know how great it would feel to be you this summer? My passion for fashion and my compassion to help women look and feel great is my purpose. So if you are having any trouble defining your style, just call me.

Wouldn’t shopping be a whole lot easier if you had a better idea of what style suited you best?

Let this month of June be the time for you, and you will be singing that song too.


Are You Clear About What You Want?

Posted on April 21, 2018 at 2:20 PM Comments comments (110922)

Hi Everyone!


Last week I had cataract surgery. The cloudy natural lens on my left eye was replaced with a clear artificial lens. It is amazing how clearly I can see now, but what is even more amazing is how I didn’t know just how cloudy my vision was before the surgery.

It made me stop and think about my life’s vision. I have a framed quote in my office over my desk. It reads ”When I am clear about what I want, what I need shows up!” I used to think I was clear but now I realize sometimes our life’s vision can get cloudy so gradually over time that we don’t even know that we are not seeing clearly.

Unfortunately our life’s vision can’t be corrected with a simple surgery. But we can correct it.

“Your outlook on your life is a direct reflection of how you like yourself.” - Lululemon.

Don’t be afraid to dream big. Decide what you want and visualize yourself having it, but most importantly, feel it. Feel yourself doing whatever it is.

Feel the thrill! It is not silly or trivial. Go for it!

Many of the women I have coached express confusion or they say they don’t know what they want. After years of taking care of kids, husbands, clients, elderly parents, they can’t see clearly because they have no idea what they want to do with the rest of their life.

So ladies, how is your vision? Are you clear about what you want? Spring is here and there is no better time to start anew. Get out a notebook and pen. Ask yourself:

What do I love to do ?

If you could do anything you wanted, what would you choose?

If you had a million dollars to spend, how would you spend it?

Who inspires you?

Who do you admire?

What do you really want?

Why do you want it?

What is stopping you?

What would you like to believe?

What would happen if you could?

Have fun with this...I hope it helps your vision improve.

Remember: You can’t have what you want if you don’t know what you want. The best way to gain clarity is to meditate. Just close your eyes and breathe. Let the Holy Spirit inspire you to see God’s point of view. Pray for clarity. Ask God what is His plan for you. You can start today...just ask Him. “When He, the Spirit Of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all truths”


If you need some help, contact me!

Bye for now!

Deborah O’Brien

It's Time to Focus on your Inner Beauty

Posted on March 18, 2018 at 9:45 PM Comments comments (44422)

Are you in shape spiritually? Do you have an inner beauty routine? If you don’t, now is the time to make a shift in your attitude and start to focus on your inner beauty. When you take these 3 steps to look good on the inside, you can’t help but look beautiful on the outside too. 

Step 1:  Stop comparing yourself to everyone else...that just leads to feeling dissatisfied with yourself. Dissatisfaction is so bad for your soul. It makes it hurt. It is like saying to God, ”I don’t like the way you made me, I‘d like to be like somebody else.” Start today to accept and love who you are. Recognize that God doesn’t make mistakes. He made you exactly the way you are for a reason. Be grateful to be you!

Step 2:  Stop complaining about your flaws. Who do you think wants to hear about them anyway? Instead of complaining about your flaws, embrace them . Don’t hate them. When you accept your flaws, they can become your greatest strengths. Why is that so hard for you to do? If God can love you with all your flaws, why can’t you?

Complaining is so bad for your heart, it hardens it and none of your light can shine out. It saps your energy and makes you look old before your time.

Step 3:  Stop criticizing yourself. When you hear that critical voice in your head, just recognize that it is your ego. It is so afraid it will have to take a back seat if you start listening to your heart. When that negative dialog starts, just think a positive thought about yourself. Start today to treat yourself with loving compassion and respect. When you stop criticizing yourself, you will be amazed at how people will start to look at you. The way we look at ourselves is how people look at us. How do you regard yourself? Next time you cut yourself down, stop and apologize. Every time you cut yourself down, it is like drinking poison. It does so much damage on the inside. You might think it is harmless to criticize yourself but believe me, I found out the hard way. It can be deadly.

If you follow these three tips, little by little you will start to feel really good inside. You will become aware of a deep down, warm feeling of contentment. A sense of confidence will begin to grow from within. Your light will shine brighter and brighter. People will find you more beautiful than models with perfect features and perfect figures. You know why? Because of your amazing attitude!

There is no surgery out there that can give you the feeling of being content with who you are. There is no pill you can take to develop your confidence. It is up to what are you waiting for?

Make time for your inner beauty routine and get all those nasty thoughts out of your head right now.

Take Time for a Soul Makeover

Posted on March 11, 2018 at 9:40 PM Comments comments (39207)

The other day I came out of the market and immediately heard a woman screaming into her cell phone: ”that f****ng a*****e is gonna pay for that!”

I looked over to see where all the vulgar words were coming from, and there was this woman standing next to her beautiful car. She was dressed to kill. Her makeup was done to perfection, and not one hair on her head was out of place. She looked like she was going to a fabulous wedding, but she sounded so unpleasant and bad tempered that she actually appeared ugly. All her negative energy just made me jump in my car and get out of there.

Then as I was driving away, I realized so clearly right then that there is no amount of makeup to apply to your face that can cover up what is on the inside of you.

Every time you use profanity it dulls your light. Every time you think negative thoughts like anger, resentment, jealousy, shame or bitterness, you are poisoning yourself. Your thoughts really do create your reality. If you want to be beautiful, try thinking beautiful thoughts. It doesn’t matter how much effort you put into your outer beauty; if you do not put effort into your inner beauty as well, you are wasting your time.

Take some time this week to do a makeover. A soul makeover. Clean out those negative thoughts in your mind, dig up those roots of bitterness in your heart, sit in silence and listen to your breath. Your breath is the voice of your soul. Let your soul talk to you. Take off that mask and stop pretending to be anyone but you. If you can stop criticizing yourself and everyone else you will see a new you when you look in the mirror. You will see a beautiful you smiling back. Look into your beautiful eye and tell yourself that you love you and that you forgive you. Break free of the bondage of unforgiveness. Express gratitude for your body. Did you know that when you treat your body nice, it will treat you nice too. Don’t do anything to dull your light. You were made to shine! Be radiant and glow from the inside out.

“ Beauty is not in the face;

beauty is a light in the heart.”

- Kahlil Gibran

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Posted on March 5, 2018 at 2:45 PM Comments comments (6309)

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Time to get out your green. Seems like everybody is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! But here is the thing: what color green should you wear to be in harmony with your energy?

If you are the bubbly, outgoing type, you can wear a bright green. However, if you are naturally more subdued and sensitive, a subdued green is better for you. Now if you are dynamic, and extroverted with a lot of push, then you look good in a rich kind of earthy green. Last but not least, if you have a tendency to have an introvert expression reflecting perfection in a bold way, then a really bold, striking green is the one for you. Anyway, I hope you have fun celebrating St. Patrick.

Did you know that St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? He lived in Britain and when he was 16, he was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland, where for 6 years he lived as a shepherd before escaping and returning home.

The ordeal had a spiritual effect on him and he decided to study in a monastery. Years later he was assigned to minister to a small Christian community in Ireland. That is how he began to spread Christianity and got his claim to fame as the most successful missionary in Ireland.

Did you know green was not his color? It was blue! I wonder what he thinks about everyone wearing green?

“May your troubles be less

and your blessings be more

and nothing but happiness come through your door.”

- Irish Blessing

I am wishing you a marvelous March!

Don't miss the next Dress to Express Your True Self Workshop at 1620 Winery in Plymouth!

I'm very excited to host my Dress to Express Your True Self Workshop at 1620 Wine Bar on March 22nd, along with Bobbi Jo Tonsberg and Joan Lyons! Hope you can join us! Here's the info:

Join 1620 Wine Bar & Deborah O'Brien from Bliss Full Styling & Self Image for a night of fashion knowledge Thursday, March 22nd from 6-8:30pm! Learn your "number" and how you can dress to express your true self. We will also be featuring Bobbi Jo Tonsberg, owner of Salon at Stonecroft, as well as Joan Lyons, owner of 3 Daughters Jewelry, Apparel, & Gifts. Bring your friends, enjoy some wine, & watch these makeovers happen right before your eyes! You will leave this event with with the knowledge of your unique type of beauty and we guarantee you will feel more confident and excited about your clothes and your personal style.

Tickets are $35 on Eventbrite (go to our Events page for link).

February Events You'll Love!

Posted on February 6, 2018 at 9:10 AM Comments comments (24472)

Happy February!

Hello Everyone!

I hope this letter finds you feeling well and enjoying every moment of your life. January was a tough one with the frigid temperatures, icy walkways and the flu spreading all over the place. A lot of people were down. But I have found that whenever something happens to knock me off my feet, there is a reason. I think it is God's way to say, ”slow down and spend some time with me.” Whether you believe in God or not, I am inviting you to make the month of February your month to fall in love with yourself and your life.

Love Your Life Workshops

February 3rd, 10th, 15th, or 24th

It’s February, and has anything changed?

Are you still doing the same old things, the same old way, with the same old results?

Do you wake up every morning thinking, “today is the day things will get better," but they never do?

Are you ready to change but feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start?

Attend our FREE Love Your Life workshops. The next one is on Saturday, February 3rd from 10:30am-12:00pm at the Hanover Apartments Business Center in the Pinehills. You’ll discover:

The secrets to loving your life

The habits you need to break before they break you

The keys to open the door to your best life ever

How to feel more energized and alive

Everyone who attends will receive an autographed copy of my book, Bliss - Behind the Mask, my inspirational story of how I overcame addition and self-destruction, and transformed my life!

RSVP now by email: [email protected] or call 774-255-0247.

Bliss Full Self Love Challenge

February 2-10

I have a new challenge for you for you this month. It is called the BlissFull Self Love Challenge.

Do you love yourself? You really can’t love yourself until you know yourself. It took me years to learn how to love myself. In fact, it was the hardest thing I ever did! It was a challenge – that’s why I’m challenging you now. Everyone needs a little push. Watch my video to learn more about the Blissfull Self Love Challenge! Then, read on...

Over the course of 9 days starting on Friday, Feb. 2nd, you'll learn a little more about yourself by answering one introspective question each day, based on the acronym B.L.I.S.S.F.U.L.L. After taking the Challenge, you'll come to a place of knowing yourself a little better and loving yourself a lot more! You can download the worksheets on the Self Love Challenge page on this website.

Be sure to check my Facebook page each day to watch a new video about the question of the day. Each video will also be posted on my website in case you miss any on Facebook.

Remember that self-love is the best gift you can give yourself this Valentine’s Day and every day! It is my deepest wish for you to have a really happy Valentine's Day this year and I hope that after you take the Challenge, you will love your life more fully, more deeply and more richly than ever before.

Walking with Purpose Women's Bible Study

Have you been really down on yourself? Do you doubt that God really loves you? Have you been searching for more meaning in your life? Starting on February 13th, I am offering a brief but powerful 6-week Walking with Purpose Women’s Bible Study at St. Bonaventure in Manomet. Meetings will be every Tuesday at 10:30am in the Parish Center. For details on the program, visit The program is called ”Living in the Father's Love.” Come get renewed, revived and refreshed as you discover just how much God loves you.

Maybe January didn’t get off to a fabulous start but it is not to late to change things around and make 2018 your best year yet!



Happy New Year!

Posted on December 30, 2017 at 9:30 PM Comments comments (181849)

Happy New Year Everybody!

It’s time to celebrate you! Yes, you!

Before you make any resolutions this year, decide to be you. Take off your mask and just be you, the real you.

To quote Dr. Seuss, ”Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

In the next few days, I hope you can find some quiet time to reflect back on 2017. Start by writing a list of all your accomplishments. If you have trouble remembering, look back through your journal or calendar. Give yourself credit for what you have done. When you stop and remember all the good moments from last year, it will help you move into 2018 with confidence and grace.

Now think about the New Years resolutions you made in the past. Be honest with yourself. How many of them actually stuck? Research shows that only 8% of people who make resolutions achieve them. So what do they do differently than you? They don’t give up when they slip up.

Vince Lombardi said, ”It isn’t whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.”

Resiliency is the key. Do something different this year. Don’t turn a slip-up into an excuse to give up.

Here are a few tips to help you keep your resolutions:

1.  Be very clear about your resolution. Think about it. Decide what one habit you would really love to change.

2. Write it down and write why you want to change that habit. Put some emotion into it. Imagine what your life would be like if you could change that habit. Write about how different your life would be. Feel what it would feel like. Really feel it!

3. Tell your friends and family what you decide to do so that they can support you.

4. Congratulate yourself with little rewards.

5. Forgive yourself if you slip up and get right back on track.

6. Remember, don’t turn a relapse into a failure. When you get knocked down, get back up and start all over again.

Don’t forget if you need any help, I am here for you. During the month of January, Bonnie Templeman of Embrace One Change and I will be giving advice and tips on how you can look and feel better in 2018. Be sure to stop by and get a jump start on living younger longer. We will help you get out of that rut of feeling sick and tired, and show you how to start to feel healthy, vibrant and alive so that you can enjoy every moment of your new year.

The hardest part of making any good habit is just starting. With each new habit you can live a healthier life for the rest of your life.

God bless you with a blissful new year filled of abundance and love!

Speaking of 2018, I'm excited to announce that I've teamed up with Bonnie Templeman of Embrace One Change on a special event in January called "Live Younger Longer!" The event will be held on January 3rd, 8th, 20th, 24th and 29th at The Hanover at The Pinehills in Plymouth MA.

Come join us - this event is FREE, and you'll get tips on how to feel better, look better and do better in the new year! Topics include nutrition, skincare, stress relief, inspiration, and dressing to express your true self. We're passionate health advocates who focus on helping people to be their best. We'll help you sparkle, shine and glow from the inside out in 2018!

Dates and times:

Wednesday, January 3rd: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Monday, January 8th: 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Saturday, January 20th: 10:30 - 12:00pm

Wednesday, January 24th: 6:00 - 7:30pm

Monday, January 29th: 1:00 - 2:30pm 

Space is limited, so choose your date and make your reservations today. Bring a guest! 


Deborah: [email protected] 774-255-0247 (call or text)

Bonnie: [email protected] 508-747-0284 (call or text)

Merry Christmas!

Posted on December 11, 2017 at 5:20 PM Comments comments (9170)

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you a blissful and peaceful holiday season. Just like the song goes, “Let it begin with you.”

This year, be you...don’t pretend to be anyone but you. So much conflict around the holidays starts with our efforts to please everyone. Let go of the need to be perfect and just be yourself.

Let go of the judgement of your relatives and just let them be them. If they drive you crazy, say a little prayer for them and forgive them. Let go of thinking negative thoughts about them and watch how things turn around. You get what you give, so if you want this Christmas to be your best one yet, think positive thoughts about yourself and everyone else. Your thoughts really do create your reality. If you think Aunt Nelly is a pain in the butt, guess what? She will be! If you think your sister is rude, guess what? She will be. Change your thinking, like "poor Aunt Nelly really has a hard life," or "my sister doesn’t really mean to be rude, she just has a lot on her mind." You get what I mean?

This Christmas change your thinking! Try it just for the day. I think you will be pleasantly surprised. You might even want to continue thinking good thoughts for the new year.

May 2018 be your best year yet!


Speaking of 2018, I'm excited to announce that I've teamed up with Bonnie Templeman of Embrace One Change on a special event in January called "Live Younger Longer!" The event will be held on January 3rd, 8th, 20th, 24th and 29th at The Hanover at The Pinehills in Plymouth MA.

Come join us - this event is FREE, and you'll get tips on how to feel better, look better and do better in the new year! Topics include nutrition, skincare, stress relief, inspiration, and dressing to express your true self. We're passionate health advocates who focus on helping people to be their best. We'll help you sparkle, shine and glow from the inside out in 2018!

Dates and times:

Wednesday, January 3rd: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Monday, January 8th: 1:00pm - 2:30pm

Saturday, January 20th: 10:30 - 12:00pm

Wednesday, January 24th: 6:00 - 7:30pm

Monday, January 29th: 1:00 - 2:30pm

Space is limited, so choose your date and make your reservations today. Bring a guest!


Deborah: [email protected] 774-255-0247 (call or text)

Bonnie: [email protected] 508-747-0284 (call or text)


Posted on October 23, 2017 at 9:35 PM Comments comments (38827)

This is the first of a 9-part series on the 8 steps to ignite your inner light and achieve bliss. This post on the step Surrender was originally written as part of my weight release program. However, even if you don’t have a weight issue, you can apply these steps to overcome other issues as well.

Every day, ask God to help you put a health plan into action, starting today.

Today, stop fighting with your body. Your struggle is only making you gain more. The more you fight it, the more you gain. It is time for you to heal. Time to feel.

It’s not so much what you are eating as what is eating you! It’s time to get out the white flag! Start waving that flag.

Surrender the control. Today, start living your best part of your life ever…in the present moment. Enjoy each moment. Accept your body and you will start to release your weight.

Before you get out of bed, surrender your weight. Talk to God about how you can change your weighty thinking. You have to surrender the negative thinking. If your thinking doesn’t change, even if you lose weight, you will gain it back. You need to connect your mind, your body, and your emotions to your soul. If you lose weight from your body, but do not change your weighty thinking, it will come back again. This time, try to do it differently. Let go and surrender all your limiting beliefs.

Eat slower and enjoy every bite. Savor the flavor. In between meals, you may have some fruit. For example, blueberries, an apple, pineapple slices, watermelon slice, or strawberries.

Eat an apple sitting down. Enjoy the taste of each piece. Eat in silence. Be grateful for the food. Say a prayer for the people who made it possible for you to eat it, like the person who picked the apple, the person who packed the apple, and the truck driver who brought it to the store.

Accept the fact that you have a food compulsion. Let go and surrender your weight. There is a place deep in you…go within and find you. When you accept who you truly are and love yourself, your weight will start to come off. You can start today to practice surrender. Can you turn the control over to God? Do you want to live in fear or faith? Do you want to feel anxiety or peace? Surrender and allow your body to lose weight naturally. Let go of your ego! Do you trust God? Just choose.

Every day as you sit and drink your coffee, write in your journal. Ask yourself: What is wrong? Why is my weight out of control? How does it make you feel?

Let your feelings come out. Feel your emotions. Let it out so you can let go and be free.

Remember how you felt when you were your ideal weight. Think about how you looked, then resolve to do the best you can. Let go of shame and guilt.

Your soul is hungry for nourishment too. Start today to feed your soul. Food will not comfort you for too long. Its pleasure is soon gone, but when you fill yourself up with food for your soul, you feel full, you feel filled.

Food for the soul:

  1. Tranquility
  2. Inspiration 
  3. Peace 
  4. Harmony 
  5. Gratitude 
  6. Appreciation 
  7. Self Love 
  8. Loving Others 
  9. Laughter
  10. Joy

Surrender all negativity:

  1. Self Doubt 
  2. Judgement
  3. Fear
  4. Anger
  5. Blame
  6. Guilt
  7. Stress
  8. Shame
  9. Hate
  10. Regret

Practice compassion and self-forgiveness. Reward yourself and praise yourself. Whenever you feel like, “what the heck,” turn it over and ask God for help. The desire will go, you just have to wait it out. Go for a walk, drink a big glass of water, take a bath, dance, sing, meditate, whatever…Just don’t give in.

Remember the old saying, “a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips?” Think, “is the temptation worth it?” As we grow older, it becomes harder to get rid of unwanted weight. The harder you try, it seems, the harder it is to get the weight off. Starting today, please stop fighting with yourself. Remember, what you resist, persists.

You need accountability! Something has to change. Your problem with eating and being overweight goes real deep. You need to get to the root of why you can’t stop. Ask God, today, to help you turn it over to Him. Make up your mind that you are ready, this time, to totally surrender your body and soul over to Him. Be gentle with yourself, don’t be afraid, trust Him, let Him do it. It is His time. Find the power of surrender. Find you.

Take time every day to connect with God. This weight problem is God’s way of getting your attention. He wants to have a relationship with you. Don’t keep putting Him off. Connect with Him through meditation, journaling, and writing poems. All the diet failures are in the past. Today is a new day, a new beginning. Just admit, you need help; admit your weight has gotten out of control. The key to losing the weight is letting go. Accept the fact that you are overweight. Just surrender.

Surrender doesn’t mean you’re giving up. It means you’re joining forces with the power of the universe. You become unstoppable. Know that you’re never alone. God is in you. He is there to guide you and help you, if only you will let Him. Can you say, “Thy will be done?” Those words saved my life and they can save yours too. When you are ready to surrender, you become a partner with God. With God as your partner, you will succeed. The only thing holding you back is your ego; let it go. Feel the freedom. If you need help, just shout, “Help!”

Sit with your journal today and identify your struggle. Listen to your story. Is your inner voice saying “it’s not fair! It’s not my fault!” Blah blah blah. Stop and be aware. Notice. Do you feel angry, tight or stressed? Breathe. Close your eyes and breathe.

Whatever pain you are going through, God has the answer. Just ask. Most of the time when you are eating, you are feeding your emotions. Stop and ask yourself, am I hungry or upset? You can eat and eat and eat, but nothing, no amount of food is going to fill that empty place inside of you. The only thing to fill that void is His unconditional love. Let Him fill you up. Why are you keeping him out? Let it go…surrender.

Surrender to spirit and you will awaken to who you truly are. You will be free from all inner obstacles. Your struggle with your weight is your teacher. What can you learn from this struggle? Can you come face to face with your fear? Can you look your fear right in the eye? Once you say what your fear is, it loses its hold over you. Let go of your fear. Why do you hold it so tight? Let it go. Surrender it!

You are a powerful person. Don’t be afraid to grow. God is calling you and you know it. You keep eating, so you can’t listen to Him. He won’t give up. He will continue to try to get your attention. Be still and listen to Him.

Fear is holding you back from losing weight and you know what? Fear isn’t even real. It’s an illusion. You believe this fear and it holds you hostage. Fear is what is making you have a hard time losing weight. What are you afraid of? Say it out loud. Beating yourself up is not working for you. Surrender and let it go.

The ego is like a big bully. It is really afraid of your heart. It knows when you discover your true self, it will be taking a back seat because your spirit will be leading you. Go within and find yourself. You are a spiritual being and you are Love. There is a higher plan for you in this life. You are being called, answer it. Surrender to who you are and feel the power. Feel the freedom, the freedom to be you, free of fear. Ask yourself this week, and please journal, “what do I need to bring into my life?” What do I need to let go? What beliefs are getting in the way? What habits are not serving me?

Today, remember to drink lots of water, one half hour before each meal. This week, avoid alcohol and going out to eat. Purge your pantry and refrigerator of all temptations. Donate all the food to your church or local food pantry to help those in need.

Shop for healthy, alive food. If its not alive, don’t eat it. And last, but not least, eat all your meals at the table, sitting down. No eating in the car or standing up in front of the refrigerator. Be mindful! Change your mindset! Believe in yourself! Have courage to not listen to the critical voice in your head! If you fail, start over again. Don’t give up. You can do it. All you have to do is choose it. It is your choice.
