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Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Posted on March 5, 2018 at 2:45 PM

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Time to get out your green. Seems like everybody is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! But here is the thing: what color green should you wear to be in harmony with your energy?

If you are the bubbly, outgoing type, you can wear a bright green. However, if you are naturally more subdued and sensitive, a subdued green is better for you. Now if you are dynamic, and extroverted with a lot of push, then you look good in a rich kind of earthy green. Last but not least, if you have a tendency to have an introvert expression reflecting perfection in a bold way, then a really bold, striking green is the one for you. Anyway, I hope you have fun celebrating St. Patrick.

Did you know that St. Patrick wasn’t Irish? He lived in Britain and when he was 16, he was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland, where for 6 years he lived as a shepherd before escaping and returning home.

The ordeal had a spiritual effect on him and he decided to study in a monastery. Years later he was assigned to minister to a small Christian community in Ireland. That is how he began to spread Christianity and got his claim to fame as the most successful missionary in Ireland.

Did you know green was not his color? It was blue! I wonder what he thinks about everyone wearing green?

“May your troubles be less

and your blessings be more

and nothing but happiness come through your door.”

- Irish Blessing

I am wishing you a marvelous March!

Don't miss the next Dress to Express Your True Self Workshop at 1620 Winery in Plymouth!

I'm very excited to host my Dress to Express Your True Self Workshop at 1620 Wine Bar on March 22nd, along with Bobbi Jo Tonsberg and Joan Lyons! Hope you can join us! Here's the info:

Join 1620 Wine Bar & Deborah O'Brien from Bliss Full Styling & Self Image for a night of fashion knowledge Thursday, March 22nd from 6-8:30pm! Learn your "number" and how you can dress to express your true self. We will also be featuring Bobbi Jo Tonsberg, owner of Salon at Stonecroft, as well as Joan Lyons, owner of 3 Daughters Jewelry, Apparel, & Gifts. Bring your friends, enjoy some wine, & watch these makeovers happen right before your eyes! You will leave this event with with the knowledge of your unique type of beauty and we guarantee you will feel more confident and excited about your clothes and your personal style.

Tickets are $35 on Eventbrite (go to our Events page for link).

Categories: Workshops, Events