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Take Time for a Soul Makeover

Posted on March 11, 2018 at 9:40 PM

The other day I came out of the market and immediately heard a woman screaming into her cell phone: ”that f****ng a*****e is gonna pay for that!”

I looked over to see where all the vulgar words were coming from, and there was this woman standing next to her beautiful car. She was dressed to kill. Her makeup was done to perfection, and not one hair on her head was out of place. She looked like she was going to a fabulous wedding, but she sounded so unpleasant and bad tempered that she actually appeared ugly. All her negative energy just made me jump in my car and get out of there.

Then as I was driving away, I realized so clearly right then that there is no amount of makeup to apply to your face that can cover up what is on the inside of you.

Every time you use profanity it dulls your light. Every time you think negative thoughts like anger, resentment, jealousy, shame or bitterness, you are poisoning yourself. Your thoughts really do create your reality. If you want to be beautiful, try thinking beautiful thoughts. It doesn’t matter how much effort you put into your outer beauty; if you do not put effort into your inner beauty as well, you are wasting your time.

Take some time this week to do a makeover. A soul makeover. Clean out those negative thoughts in your mind, dig up those roots of bitterness in your heart, sit in silence and listen to your breath. Your breath is the voice of your soul. Let your soul talk to you. Take off that mask and stop pretending to be anyone but you. If you can stop criticizing yourself and everyone else you will see a new you when you look in the mirror. You will see a beautiful you smiling back. Look into your beautiful eye and tell yourself that you love you and that you forgive you. Break free of the bondage of unforgiveness. Express gratitude for your body. Did you know that when you treat your body nice, it will treat you nice too. Don’t do anything to dull your light. You were made to shine! Be radiant and glow from the inside out.

“ Beauty is not in the face;

beauty is a light in the heart.”

- Kahlil Gibran

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