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October is Clean Out Your Closet Month!

Posted on October 23, 2017 at 9:15 PM

If you haven't already done it, now is a good time to put your summer clothes away and weed through them while you're at it. If you find an item of clothing that you never wore last summer, chances are you won't wear it next summer either. Donate it! Get rid of it! Just let it go!

This month I'm offering a service to help you clean out your closet. So for any of you who are having trouble, call me at 774-255-0247 and together we can get it done. Four hands are better than 2! For this month only, I have slashed my fee in half: $50.00 an hour. I am taking appointments at this price until October 28th.

My closet clearing session averages about 2 hours. That is, of course, depending on the closet. Together we take inventory of what you own and evaluate what to keep and what to let go. This process will help you not only feel organized, but you will discover your own personal sense of style. Your closet is the most important space in your home. It is where your day begins and where it ends. Shouldn't it feel tranquil? Imagine how nice that would be! Here's a testimonial from one of my clients:

"I had Deborah come into my home for a style and organization session. The first thing we did was remove all clothes from the closet and put them in the middle of the floor. This is an overwhelming experience in itself! Deborah carefully went over every piece to see what was a good color and style for my energy profile. The lightness you feel from this is just unexplainable; you feel like you've been lifted from the heaviness of the items that you were surrounded by."

- Diane Hazelton

On October 21st I will be speaking at a women's conference in Worcester. You can go to to learn more about it. The theme this year is, "I Am Woman." If you are free that day, you might want to plan to attend. An eclectic group of dynamic women from all over Worcester County will be there to inspire you. I am delighted to be part of this amazing event. My workshop topic is, "Connecting to Your Creativity."

I wish you a blissful October. Make some apple crisp or a nice apple pie. Find time to relax and enjoy this month!


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