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Do you Feel Ready for a Change?

Posted on August 31, 2017 at 4:25 PM

Hello everyone!

September is almost here. Can you smell the change in the air? When I went to the market today, I was so surprised to see the potted mums but when I saw the bundles of kindling, I almost cried. Summer is almost over and it is time to say goodbye to August. As much as I will miss the carefree days of summer, I do feel ready for a change. Do you?

Autumn is the perfect time for a new beginning. If there is something you have been wanting to change, now is a great time to align with your heart's desires. Try to do at least one nice thing for yourself everyday. You have unique gifts that no one else on earth can share. Don't hide your gifts. This month you can start to nourish your soul or start eating healthy. Just decide to make a change and make YOU the #1 priority.

If you are looking for a new fall look, be sure to attend my Dress to Express Your True Self Workshop on Saturday, September 9th from 1:00-4:00pm at 3 Daughters Jewelry, Apparel & More, 108 Water St. in Plymouth. The fee is $28. You'll learn what looks and colors best match the person you truly are. Plus there will also be a trunk show by Luxe Jewelry and you'll be able to shop 3 Daughter's new fall merchandise!

On Saturday, September 23rd I am hosting a book signing for my friend Diane Marie Ford, the author of The Spirits Speak on Success. Please be sure to come by The Hanover at the Pinehills from 2:00-4:00pm to meet her and get an autographed copy of her insightful new book.

I wish you all a spectacular September!


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