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Blossom into a Healthier, Happier Woman

Posted on May 2, 2017 at 5:45 PM

Hi Ladies,

Can you believe it's May? "April is the cruelest month" T.S. Eliot wrote, but now that April is gone, we can say hello to May flowers, even though I'm still wearing a turtleneck! Spend time this week connecting to nature, notice how everything is coming alive. When I see Spring unfolding right in front of my very eyes, it reminds me of ourselves and our lives, how we are all awakening. Everything we need is right inside of us - All the potential to unfold and to blossom into who we are here to be, into our true selves. You are growing and unfolding in ways you cannot see...but you are. Trust that you are. As you start to dress to express your true self, you will start blossoming into a healthier, happier woman. You will bloom into the woman you were created to be.

Spring is the time we all start to de-clutter our homes. Have you started to clean out your closet yet? If you have, I know you will agree, it feels so good, you feel so free. Don't just stop there...while you're on a roll, keep on going. Clean out your internal clutter as well. Look inside your heart. Are you holding onto any resentment ,bitterness, hate, anger, or sadness? De-clutter your mind, heart and soul, start today!

Let go of trying to control people.

Give up always having to be right.

Forgive -- It really is a gift to yourself.

Become aware of the stories you tell yourself.

Be kind to yourself -- Treat yourself as you would a friend.

Remember the singer Helen Reddy's song, "Best Friend"? These are the lyrics:

"Would you take better care of yourself,

Would you be kinder to yourself,

Would you be more forgiving of your human imperfections,

If you realized your best friend was yourself?"

If you really want to be kind to yourself, treat yourself to a Day of Bliss on May 20th, at Mirbeau Inn & Spa. Your best friend will thank you!

Also, on May 11th, at 10am, I am doing a Dress to Express Workshop at Talbots in Hyannis, at the Cape Cod Mall. Hope to see you then!

For further information on these events, go to my website

Happy Spring,


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